Holis School
What we’ve done and what we’re building
How can the early childhood development (ECD) system in three countries be changed so that all children benefit from better ECD services and reach their potential?
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How can we empower regional governments to make informed, data-driven decisions that positively impact early childhood development?
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How could strategic partnerships and design thinking drive the transition to a net-zero society?
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How can youth-led initiatives and workshops influence cultural development in cities with complex histories?
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How can an initiative that addresses diverse challenges and serves a wide range of beneficiaries be effectively evaluated and continuously improved?
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What initiatives can contribute to small villages thriving socially, economically, and environmentally?
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What exactly is collective intelligence, and why should we bother creating a design playbook for it?
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How can victims document domestic violence without risking their safety?
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How might we leverage interdisciplinary workshops to boost students' abilities and foster collaboration across diverse fields?
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How can we apply Big Data approaches, such as collective intelligence combined with artificial intelligence, to increase convictions and effectively prosecute online sex traffickers?
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